An excerpt of newsletter from Investment U which I subscribed through their advertisement in Google Ads is quite interesting.
They have highlight 4 high risks of investing world as follow. What really attracts my attention is a sentence read: Investing can be one of the most frustrating experiences in life.
When UBS Investment Research yesterday described this as the 'Toughest Market in 35 Years', I pledge everyone to open their eyes to observe how this naughty market unrolls the next chapter. There are plenty to learn from here then book.
The Four High Risks of Investing
What are the four dangers? In his new book, Alex identifies the following.
1. Being too conservative, so that your hard-earned savings don't keep up with inflation.
2. Being too aggressive, so that you end up losing your shirt or blowing up part of your portfolio.
3. Trying to time the market. Study after study has shown that no one can consistently time the market.
4. Unwisely turning your money over to a money manager who loses your wealth, slowly or quickly.
Investing can be one of the most frustrating experiences in life.

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