Don't sell out, hold on in there
By Christopher Tan
CEO, Providend
The writer can be contacted at
The lesson is this: even in the worst crises, markets still recover with a respectable return. But if you want to shorten the time of your recovery, don't sell out. Keep investing but invest in the right things. If you sell, you are out of the game with no hope of recovery at all.
My trip to the past has taught me that all crises stem from the same cause - greed. Today's crisis is not new. It's just that we have forgotten our lessons. Don't try to time the markets. Michael J Mauboussin, chief investment strategist at Legg Mason Capital Management, found out that if you are able to accurately avoid the worst 50 days of the market, your returns jump to 18.2 per cent per annum. But if you miss the best 50 days, your returns dropped to a mere 1 per cent per annum.
Investors, be strong and courageous. You may be fearful. I am too. But history is behind us and for us. If you stop investing, you will perish. The crisis will surely pass. Don't ever give up.

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