The following paragraph is the best to sum up the great achievement of American in 2008. Indeed, we realized that American has channeled most if not all of their resources and effort in creative (but proven failure) financial engineering product. It is so complex that they themselves don’t even understand it.
We've cleaned the sewage system in the finance industry; we've purged the subprime mortgage bankers, brokers, and borrowers; we've blown open the biggest Ponzi scheme ever; we've uncloaked the automobile industry; we've admitted there never was nor is there a good reason for the war in Iraq; we've woken up to the war in Afghanistan; we've owned up to torture and unlawful rendition; we've discovered politicians' affairs, payoffs, and bribes; we've quashed gay marriage rights; we've unprotected protected parks and land areas; we've changed federal documents that show climate change is true; we've allowed genocide to rise and continue; we've been lied to (again) by a best-selling memoirist; we've experienced natural disasters and manmade ones; horses were slaughtered; bees went extinct; oceans suffocated; glaciers receded; and entire countries went bankrupt.
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